Wednesday 7 February 2024


This blog.


I remembered this time.

On my early anniversaries I used to write about stats, so...

Total page views
As of this precise moment – 281,236

Page views per month
Since I'm not writing anything much, PVPM have dropped from an all-time high of 5389 but are still rarely below 1000. Just four occasions in thirteen years: 922, 957, 927 (all Januaries - dunno why) and 577 (September 2022). What happened that month, bots?!?

Highest offsite referrals
Google, Reddit, T-Central (thanks, Calie), Twitter (nuts to X, Musk, you bellend), YATGB (thanks, Lynn).

Most popular posts
Straight male femme
In vision (3) - male bodies, female clothes
Sissies, Trannies, and Jeffreys
Radical Femme
Nice to see my two longest posts in that list. Though of course it doesn't mean people actually read them all the way through. Maybe more words just means more terms to be picked up by a search engine. Regarding which...

Search keywords
Nothing too surprising: “male femme”, “genderqueer language”, “femme male”, “femme guys”, and suchlike.
Except for: “ mother I'd like to fuck language:en”.
Say what?!?!
Googling that myself brings up 46,800 results. Looking at the first few, none seems to have any relevance. I guess if you've ever used the words “mother”, “like”, and “fuck” somewhere, you're going to get flagged by that search – and disappoint the searchers.
Dumping this entire blog in Word and Replacing whole word by nothing (Word then tells you how many times it's done that), I see I've used those particular words 18, 404, and 20 times respectively. 404 seems like an awful lot (error 404).
Some more searches: “femme” 704; “butch” 204; “genderqueer” 63; “transvestite” 53; “non-binary” 62; “trans” 507; “gender” 680; “sex” 194; “woman” 163; “man” 117; “the” 3608; “a” 4064, “and” 3003; “I” 3519;
“me” 578. Fascinating.

Number of posts per year
I identify four phases:
Initial enthusiasm (2011-12) – 23, 17
Consolidation (2013-16) – 14, 13, 12, 12
Fatigue (2017-20) – 9, 5, 7, 6
Barely alive (2021-24) – 3, 5, 4, 1 (so far, this one)

But I'm still here.

*waves* to anyone still following.


  1. Happy blogaversary. Do folk still say that? 🙂

    Oh, and *waves back* 👋

    1. Thanks, Lynn :)

      It's taken me a week to say that because I've only just figured out how to re-enable my own comments on my own blog. At least I hope I have :/

  2. Yay, able to comment at last! Thanks for the advice re. browser settings.

    Just to wish you a happy blogversary. These milestones are worth celebrating.

    Sue x

    1. Thanks, Sue :)

      Glad the settings fix worked... for now at least.
