Sunday, 13 October 2013

Pink List 2013.

Two years ago the Independent on Sunday's Pink List – “101 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people that make a difference” – was a prompt for my own list of Inspirations. This year's Pink List is an inspiration in itself with numerous trans activists featuring, all the way to Paris Lees at the very top. It's great to see people like — ah, why be selective?! I'll just list them all...

Luke Anderson, Helen Belcher, Sarah Brown, Jane Fae, Raphael Fox, Jackie Green, Lewis Hancox, Tara Hewitt, Juliet Jacques, Roz Kaveney, Natacha Kennedy, Jennie Kermode, Paris Lees, CN Lester, Jay Stewart

...with Christine Burns on the judging panel, and yet more denoted ‘National treasures’ and ‘Ones to watch’.

In the words of Little Pete: “That was a good day.” :)


  1. Thanks for sharing that list. Very interesting reading.

  2. Does it have stuff about the activists, or is it just a big long list? :)


  3. It has a short paragraph about each one – apart from Paris at the top who gets a bit more. Dunno why they've listed her as “Editor, META magazine” though. She did a lot of good things last year, especially with All About Trans, but META wasn't one of them. There hasn't been an issue of META since October 2012.
